Eric Hendrickson,
Everything Finkelstein said, plus "You're nuts."
my name is eric hendrickson.
i have been on a journey led by the holy spirit which has brought to this point that has allowed for me to open the seventh seal and understand god's master plan.
i am the lion from the lost tribe of judah who has come to the world and be the messiah king.
Eric Hendrickson,
Everything Finkelstein said, plus "You're nuts."
i spent some time here awhile back as an unbelieving mate of a jw wife.
i learned a lot, and was able to be supportive and understanding when she decided to leave the jw.. unfortunately, my son seems to have internalized many of the jw teachings.
Life today is HARD, and today's kids have been de-volved by the educational system into whining pansies.
Certainly whatever Watchtower memes he's absorbed haven't helped any.
You have tried the standard catalog of pharmaceutical assistance, but has he tried ketamine? Some researchers have been exploring the value of ketamine treatment, at relatively low doses in a controlled medical environment and they have reported impressive results from ONE TREATMENT; but don't buy "Special-K" on the street and dose him with that. See if there is a study being conducted at a medical center near you.
It is also important that his personal self-esteem is built up, not by chanting slogans into a mirror, but by tangible ACCOMPLISHMENT. What skills or interests does he have that could provide this? I don't think playing computer games counts.
dear all, need some advice .
in my country one can get dfd for pretty much anything the bullies want to df you for.
but is there any specific guidelines that state one can or cannot be dfd for marrying a non witness.
Prefatory disclaimer: I left the WTB&TS in the early 1970s (before Armageddon), so my info may be a bit dated. For all I know Dubs today are worshipping the golden calves of Fred Franz and drinking swine blood on Nisan 14;
...but back in my day NO, a person would not be disfellowshipped for dating a non-witness. They WOULD have been considered... er, what's the term? SPIRITUALLY STUPID! That's right, they would have been "marked" as "spiritually stupid" and denied some of the many PRIVILEGES open to them. If they were a chick, the only privilege open to her would be scrubbing the toilet at the Kingdom Hall, and denial of that privilege would cause spiritual suffering which would lead to her repentance.
...but that was then...
i'm making this post almost as a test as well as a report of an issue.
i'm still having that same issue i told you about yesterday, but others aren't.. if it goes through, well then, things are back to normal!
never mind!.
...Something about blaming tools, but I can't quite recall it.
i was really close to this family, it's.
been over 20 years since i saw them last.
but the husband an elder in his 70's .
Always take the high road; that's what I do when I'm not lying to people.
by trey bundy .
december 14, 2015 .
I wanted to know what it was like to have poor reading comprehension like so many here.
It's almost FUN!
by trey bundy .
december 14, 2015 .
all that jesus spoke about in matthew 24 was fulfilled in the first century.
all of jesus' warnings in that passage were relevant only to natural jews.
now this is a church an athiest would be really happy with.
Lots of people are finding the gluten-free Flying Spaghetti Monster easier on both their minds and their bowels.
wonderful photos to see of the present exterior and interior of one of the old wt factories.
please go to the site to see the photos and read the rest of the article that i did not paste here.. barbara .
GREAT! If there is anything Brooklyn needs, its ANOTHER Mecca.
Halal Bacon?
Allah-hu FUBAR!